Magic Mushies

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6 Ways to Prepare Your Space for a Positive & Calm Trip

6 Ways to Prepare Your Space for a Positive & Calm Trip

They say that the key to having a good psychedelic trip is to start with set and setting. What does that mean? A positive, open mindset and a comfortable setting in which to trip, wherever that may be for you. Here are some ideas to make a space more inviting for a...

How to Start Microdosing Magic Mushrooms: What You Need to Know

How to Start Microdosing Magic Mushrooms: What You Need to Know

  What is Microdosing? Microdosing is the practice of taking a very low dose of a psychedelic (such as psilocybin mushrooms or LSD) for the subtle psychological benefits, and not to have a full-blown trip. Microdosing is becoming increasingly popular, despite its...

11 Stunning Shroom Trip Spots in BC

11 Stunning Shroom Trip Spots in BC

The mind bending, perspective shifting, life changing spiritual experience of a great shroom trip pairs perfectly with a gorgeous natural setting. Once you’ve got your magic mushrooms, these are some of our favourite spots in BC to explore and connect with nature....

Magic Mushrooms: 5 Tips for a Great Trip

Magic Mushrooms: 5 Tips for a Great Trip

A great magic mushroom trip is a powerful experience, whether recreational or in the case of psilocybin as a treatment for depression, anxiety, or substance abuse. If you're thinking about trying magic mushrooms, here are our top 5 tips for a great trip!   1: Do...

Canada approves psilocybin for compassionate use in four patients

Canada approves psilocybin for compassionate use in four patients

Four Canadian cancer patients have been granted permission to use psilocybin as a treatment for end-of-life distress, a groundbreaking role for the hallucinogen in health care. Federal Health Minister Patty Hajdu approved the use through the Office of Controlled...

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