All you need to know to get started
- Micro-dosing is taking a sub perceptual amount of magic mushrooms introduced to your daily routine for higher levels of creativity, more energy, increased focus, and improved relational skills. It’s not enough to trip or have any type of visuals, but it’s enough to have amazing brain benefits. When consumed, psilocybin starts to mimic serotonin and stimulates a receptor called the 5HT2A receptor. This does two amazing things:
It stimulates BDNF, aka brain derived neurotrophic factor, which is basically miracle growth for the brain. It’s responsible for new growth, connections, and activity. - It increases transmission of glutamate. Glutamate is a neurotransmitter responsible for learning, memory, and cognition.
So how does it feel? It’s pretty rare, but some people say they feel nothing at all. At first, the most common effects are elevated mood and positive emotions such as appreciation, gratitude, love, and happiness. Some people say it’s just harder to get irritated, depressed, and anxious.
The desired effects of Micro-dosing
- Non psychoactive
- Mood enhancement
- Decreased stress
- Emotional stability
- Mindfulness, presence and peace
- Openness and self-forgiveness
- Increased empathy and sociability
- Conversational fluidity
- Alleviation of persistent conditions such as depression, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, PTSD
- Increased motivation (e.g. to make positive lifestyle changes)
- Increased focus/productivity
- Increased flow states
- Clearer, more connected thinking
- Improved memory
- Enhanced senses
- Enhanced appreciation for music, art, etc.
- Increased creativity
- Spontaneity
- Easier meditation
- Increased enjoyment of physical activity and everyday tasks
- Relaxation and increased awareness of body
- Enhanced athletic endurance
- Increased energy overall (without anxiety or subsequent crash)
- Amplification of mood, positive or negative
- Slight sedative effect
For more information on all things magic mushrooms please visit our FAQs or check out the dosing chart below.

Start microdosing today!
How to Microdose
There are a few proven and well used by many methods to micro-dosing.
If this is your first time consuming any type of psychedelic start with the approach below. After experimenting if you desire more effect try the workaholic’s approach.
Beginner Approach (1 microdose every 3 days)
One micro-dose every 3 days to prevent changes of tolerance over time. Take 1 micro-dose each morning with breakfast on the indicated days below.
- Week 1: Mon/Thu/Sun
- Week 2: Wed/Sat
- Week 3: Tues/Fri
- Week 4: Mon/Thu/Sun
Workaholic’s Approach
This plan is geared towards individuals looking for high performance at work and creative fields. We recommend this approach to be used after having tried the beginner approach. This method requires a daily micro-dose during the week and weekends are left open for recovery to baseline, in case of changes in effect over time. Take 1 micro-dose each morning with breakfast on the indicated days below.
- Week 1: Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri
- Week 2: Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri
- Week 3: Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri
- Week 4: Mon/Tue/Wed/Thu/Fri
Balanced Microdose Approach
If you find those approaches are not providing the desired effects, try this method. Instead of every 3 days, micro-dose every other day. Micro-doses are taken 3-4 times per week. Take 1 microdose pill each morning with breakfast on the indicated days below.
- Week 1: Mon/Wed/Fri/Sun
- Week 2: Tue/Thu/Sat
- Week 3: Mon/Wed/Fri/Sun
- Week 4: Tue/Thu/Sat
Do not mix magic mushroom products with alcohol or other anti-depression medication (SSRI) as it dulls the experience or blocks it completely.
Product Storage
Keep product stored at room temperature in a dry environment away from direct sunlight. Also keep out of the reach of children and pets.
How do I know Microdosing is working?
Since a microdose is meant to be non-psychoactive it is difficult to measure its effects without being very conscious of yourself. Some self-reflection is required to understand your improvements. You can track the effects with this ‘Check Yourself’ checklist. Most likely, you won’t be affected in all areas, but it’s important to take a comprehensive review of the effects. There are 7 areas to track:
- Mental: Notice the thoughts running through your mind. Are they the same as usual, or different in nature? Are you having more or fewer thoughts than usual? In general, is your mind more clear or more cluttered?
- Creative: Are you finding new qualities in things, like stories in objects? Do you find your mind wandering in directions it doesn’t usually? Are you getting more ideas than usual? Do solutions to problems come more easily?
- Emotional: Do your feelings take on any different qualities than before? Are there more or fewer feelings experienced than usual? How quickly do you process them before reaching a resolution and moving on? Is sex better, or a different quality?
- Social: How are you expressing your thoughts and feelings? Are there any changes in the pacing, tone, or nature of your speech? What about your facial expressions? Do you smile more or less? What frequency do you agree or disagree with someone in conversation? Do you talk differently with your coworkers, spouse, friends and family? The barista at the local coffee shop?
- Body: Take a look at how aware (or not aware) you are of your body. Now zoom in on the body by closing your eyes and taking a few deep breaths. Slow your mind and place your full attention on any sensations in your body. Do you notice anything?
- Capabilities: Notice if you’re more able to complete certain tasks than usual. This might manifest as changes in attention span, physical/visual acuity, verbal fluidity, problem solving ability, empathy, different areas of awareness, and so on.
- Outlook: Are you more positive or negative? More optimistic or pessimistic? More or less skeptical? More fearful and guarded, or open to possibilities Feelings of oneness, universality, truth, connectedness, love, or peace are also in this area.
How does Psilocybin Tolerance Work?
Consuming magic mushrooms on a regular basis will build your tolerance for psilocybin. Tolerance to psilocybin builds and dissipates quickly. If you microdose magic mushrooms it is recommended to not take them more than 5 days a week.